Patient Leaflets
Here you will find information leaflets and booklets on all kinds of subjects, including self-care, help for the elderly and help for parents when their child is ill
Patient Forms
Forms for updating your contact details, applying for SystmOnline and more
Useful Links
A list of links to sites and services for mental health, self-care, drug & alcohol, and much more
Where to Get Help and Support
There are hundreds of support organisations working in and around Leeds. These are just a few which may be able to help you, or may be able to help you find the right one.

General Health

BMI Calculator
Calculate your BMI and get advice on how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight
Common Health Questions about BMI
Understanding Your Blood Pressure Reading
Enter your blood pressure reading to find out what it means
Heart Age Calculator
How healthy is your heart? The Heart Age Test tells you your heart age compared to your real age, explains why it's important to know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, and gives advice on how to reduce your heart age
Self Care Videos
These videos come from the NHS Choices YouTube Channel.


When Should I Worry Booklet
This booklet is for parents (and older children) and deals with common infections in children who are normally healthy.
Little Orange Book
Expert Advice on helping babies and young children when they're poorly. This fantastic booklet has been put together by Newcastle Gateshead CCG, but applies no matter where you live in England
Child Vaccination Planner
Personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates by which your child needs to have their vaccinations
Baby rashes: a visual guide*
It's normal for babies to develop skin rashes, but it's important to know the difference between a minor irritation and a condition that requires attention. Use this visual guide to familiarise yourself with everything from nappy rash and eczema to impetigo and meningitis.
Childhood illness visual guide*
Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.


Mood Self-assessment
Online questionnaire to check your mood. Provides advice on how to get help as well.
Depression Self-assessment
Online questionnaire to find out if you could be suffering from depression. Provides advice on how to get help as well.
Type 2 Diabetes Self-assessment
Take this quick and simple test to find out if you're at risk of type 2 diabetes. Please note, this tool may not be accurate for anyone undergoing treatment for diabetes.
Mole Self-assessment
Could you have a cancerous mole and not know it? Use this tool to find out more. This tool is for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with a GP.
Bladder Self-assessment
A healthy bladder is important to all of us, yet many people suffer in silence even though a lot can be done to improve things. Take this short assessment to find out if you should seek further advice.
Bowel cancer symptom checker*
With bowel cancer, there are three key symptoms you need to look out for. Use this symptom checker to find out if your symptoms require further investigation.

Visual Guides

Back Pain Guide Nearly all of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives. Explore this guide for more on different types of back pain and how to prevent it, plus get advice on treatment.
Skin conditions: a visual guide*
Use this visual guide to identify common skin conditions and problems, including psoriasis, eczema, acne, athlete's foot and rashes.
Pregnancy week-by-week: a visual guide*
This visual guide shows how a baby develops during every stage of pregnancy from week one to the birth.
Nail abnormalities: a visual guide*
Changes in the colour, texture and thickness of your fingernails and toenails can indicate a problem with your general health. Use this guide to help you identify when a nail problem could be cause to visit your GP.
Moles: a visual guide*
Most moles are harmless but they can develop into a form of skin cancer called malignant melanoma. Learn the ABCDE of moles to help you keep an eye out for any signs that might be a cause for concern, such as a change in the border, colour or diameter of a mole. 
Foot problems: a visual guide*
Your feet take the whole weight of your body, so it's important to take good care of them. Use this visual guide to learn more about some common foot problems such as athlete's foot, corns, calluses and bunions.
*These links will open in a new window and take you to the NHS website.